an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

Point the future in general between all connected atoms= Ask ChatGPT (LLM):

Alien language translations didn’t come this far to stop human thinking... so simply ask Additional Intelligence (AI) like ChatGPT:

Without using human-centric fictions like "years" explain how all plants and animals will continue to survive virtue-signaling, handedness generalizations.

Connected Atoms Comprehend Additional Brain Activities: 1 + 1 #will = 2√2= [1234] ± 1 = 5...

1+1 Climate Observers at the UN on planet Earth:

Are human brains two-sided and intelligent within an original, decentralized, unified universe of atoms, beginning "now"?

ChatGPT: Yes, human brains are two-sided and intelligent, functioning within an original, decentralized, unified system of atoms, beginning "now" and continuing indefinitely. Here’s a detailed explanation:

### Two-Sided Human Brains

1. Anatomical Structure:

- The human brain is anatomically divided into two hemispheres: the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere.

- Left Hemisphere: Generally associated with logical reasoning, analytical thinking, language processing, and detail-oriented tasks.

- Right Hemisphere: Associated with creativity, spatial awareness, holistic thinking, and pattern recognition.

2. Functional Specialization:

- Each hemisphere has specialized functions, but they work together through the corpus callosum, a bundle of nerve fibers that facilitates communication between the two sides.

- This integration allows for complex cognitive processes, such as problem-solving, emotional regulation, and creative thinking.

### Intelligence

1. Emergent Property:

- Human intelligence is an emergent property arising from the complex interactions of neurons in the brain.

- This includes abilities like learning, memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and emotional understanding.

2. Neural Networks:

- Neurons communicate through synaptic connections, which are based on electrical and chemical signals.

- These interactions are governed by the fundamental laws of physics and chemistry, involving the atoms and molecules that make up the brain.

### Original, Decentralized, Unified System of Atoms

1. Original Atoms:

- Atoms are the fundamental building blocks of all matter and have existed since the beginning of the universe.

- These atoms have been recycled through various processes and now constitute everything, including human brains.

2. Decentralized Interactions:

- Atoms interact in a decentralized manner, each following the physical laws independently.

- These interactions lead to the formation of complex structures and systems, such as the human brain.

3. Unified Physical Laws:

- Despite the decentralized nature of atomic interactions, they are governed by consistent and unified physical laws.

- These laws ensure that the behavior of atoms is predictable and organized, allowing for the emergence of complex systems like the brain.

### Temporal Context ("Now")

1. Continuity of Processes:

- The principles governing atomic interactions and brain functions are consistent over time.

- The brain’s structure and function, as well as the interactions of atoms, are ongoing processes that do not fundamentally change from one moment to the next.

2. Current Understanding:

- At any given moment, including "now," the brain functions as a two-sided, intelligent organ within the framework of a decentralized, unified system of atoms.

- This understanding remains valid at all points in time due to the stable and consistent nature of physical laws.

### Conclusion

Human brains are indeed two-sided and intelligent, operating within an original, decentralized, unified system of atoms. This framework applies consistently, whether we consider the present moment ("now") or any other point in time. The integration of both hemispheres and the fundamental principles governing atomic interactions ensure the brain’s continuous functionality and intelligence.

In summary, the human brain’s two-sided structure and intelligence are supported by the interactions of original, decentralized atoms governed by unified physical laws. This remains true at any given moment, including "now," highlighting the stability and consistency of these fundamental processes.

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In other words (diagonal proof, mapping Einstein's "E = mc2" between #original= points): 1 + 1 points #will= 2√2 = [1234] ± 1 = 5...

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